Atari 2600 Prototypes

Launched in 1977, the 2600 is considered by many
to be the first true programmable home video game system.
While this may not technically be true (the Fairchild
Channel F and RCA Studio II were released several months
earlier), it was certainly the most successful system of its
time. Due to its enormous popularity the 2600 enjoyed an
unusually long life span (1977-1992), long outlasting all of its
rivals. Because of this longevity, there are a large
number of 2600 prototypes in existence, making them easier to
obtain than prototypes on other systems.
Despite its popularity, the 2600 was not immune
to the great crash. The market crash of 83-84 is
considered by many to be one of the darkest events in video game
history, however to prototype collectors the crash is quite
fascinating. For you see the crash produced a large number
of unreleased games, and it is these games that are of greatest
interest. Unreleased games run the gamut of completion,
ranging from non-playable demos to completed games ready for
release. These prototypes have been known to cause quite a
bit of controversy, as many remain unreleased. The debate
rages on whether collectors have a duty to release rom files of
unreleased games, or have the right to keep them private.
Of course prototype collecting is not without its
risks. Companies such as Best Electronics have been
accused of copying prototypes in the past and selling them to
unwitting collectors. Although these copies are virtually
identical to their official counterparts (same boards, same
EPROMs), they are largely considered to be worthless by
collectors. With the rise in popularity of Ebay, these
once rare counterfeits are becoming more and more common.
Remember when it comes to buying prototypes, Caveat
With new games being discovered every day, the
2600 is one of the most active systems on the prototype
collecting front. Its large number of quality titles, and
enormous popularity make the 2600 appealing to collectors and
players alike. Always fresh, sometimes controversial,
never boring. When it comes to prototypes the 2600 has it