Escape From the Mindmaster 7-17-82


Before Starpath settled on a final name, Escape From the Mindmaster was originally known as Labyrinth.  One of the earliest Starpath catalogs features Labyrinth on a list of future titles.  This prototype only consists of one load, but actually has some actual gameplay implemented unlike the earlier prototype. 

This version adds the life counter and timer below the directional arrow along with the Alien Stalker which were missing from the earlier prototype.  This prototype further refines the key idea by making the player have to pick up keys hidden in the maze to open doors.  Keys also disappear once used, unlike the earlier prototype. This version also contains a new gameplay element in the form of wrenches which must be picked up to destroy beams that block certain passageways.  The key and wrench ideas were dropped from the final version in favor of the peg puzzle. 

There appears to be three separate mazes in this build.  The third maze cannot be completed due to the fact that the player cannot move past the set of three wrenches which blocks the door until they are all used and there is only one beam to destroy in the small section of maze you start in.



There is no title screen
The mazes are completely different
There is no Peg Puzzle to solve on each level.  Instead the player must find a key to unlock the door to the next level.
The timer counts down incredibly fast and rolls over
The player is invincible
The Sliding Force Field appears on the first maze
There is a wrench item which can be picked up.  The player cannot walk through these.
There is a strange 'beam' which blocks passages.  This beam can be destroyed with a wrench.
The warning sound when the Alien Stalker is near is very different
There appear to only be three mazes.  The layouts are the same as the earlier prototype.
The third maze cannot be completed due to wrenches blocking the players path
The staircase screen between levels does not show the players score
There is a 'false door' on the second maze which takes the player back to the start of the maze.  If you do not have a key for the door you are trapped.


Force Fields right away!


A Key?


No score summary on the staircase screen


You cannot get past this point


What the heck is that?


Apparently it can be destroyed with a wrench



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