Frog Demo

Company: Commavid
Model #:
Dr. Joseph Biel
Year: 1983
Prototype found in 2002


This prototype was recently found in a box of EPROMs given to the Digital Press by Dr. John Bronstein, one of the co-founders of Commavid.  This EPROM was simply labeled "Frog", and is really just a one-screen demo featuring a frog and some stationary moths.  When the fire button is pressed, the frog will shoot out its tongue (looks suspiciously like the laser beam).


According to Dr. Joseph Biel, this demo was used to test some graphical theories that he later used in his game Stronghold.  Oddly I can't see any similarity between the graphics in this demo and those in Stronghold other than the frog's tongue looks a bit like the cannon of the Stronghold ship.  Perhaps there's more to this demo than meets the eye?


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