RealSports Baseball 4-14-83


This is a very interesting WIP version of RS Baseball.  The voice has been changed but is still somewhat different the final version.  However what makes this version really interesting is that there are more voice clips than there are in the final.  There voice clips for pausing the game, scoring a run, and even a variation on the strike sound!  But all these extra voice clips come at a price, there's absolutely no music in the game.  It's unknown why the music was taken out but it might have been for debugging purposes as it was back by the 6-2-83 prototype.


Prototype Differences

The voice is closer to the final version but still different
There is no voice on/off option on the title screen.
There is no opening tune, instead the voice says "Play Ball" as the players walk out
There is no "Charge" tune
The sound of the ball will hang on the last note when a Home Run is scored
There is an odd static sound instead of cheering noise
The voice will sometimes simply say "Strike" instead of "Strike One/Two/Three"
The voice will sometimes simply say "Ball" instead of "Ball One/Two/Three"
The voice says "Strike" instead of "Foul Ball".
The voice will sometimes put a different emphasis on the word "Strike" making it sound like "Stee-rike"
The voice says "Run Scores" when scoring a run instead of the crowd cheering
The voice says "Time Out" when pausing and "Play Ball" when unpausing
The screen says OUT instead of STRIKEOUT when a player strikes out
The game plays faster, but still isn't at full speed
The hidden credits are colored differently.



It's a high fly...


Swing and a miss


The voice here says Time Out


The voice says Strike instead of Foul Ball



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