GATO 6/11/87


There isn't much to say about this version, it is very similar to the 5/23/87 prototype.  About the only improvement is the ability to select different gauges on the periscope screen, but even this is very buggy.  You cannot change the values of the gauges at this point however, and the values are hardcoded.

There is a hidden message in the rom code that says:

GATO, The Atari 7800 Version by Jack Sandberg, Sr. Software Engineer, ibid inc., West Hartford, CT., Ver. 1.0 04/24/87 -- Security String Do Not Remove"


Prototype Differences
There is no title screen
There is no ships log screen

There is no interaction on any of the screens except the periscope screen

You cannot change the values on the gauges

The button debounce code is a bit buggy.  You must tap the button very quickly to change screens otherwise it will cycle through them very fast.

The selection of gauges on the periscope screen is buggy and moves very fast

The gauge on the periscope screen are pointing in different directions although they are still nonfunctional
The Fuel, Batt, and Oxy meter needles are in different positions although they are still nonfunctional
The crosshairs on the periscope screen are different
The rivets on the gauges on the periscope are yellow instead of gray
The gauge backgrounds are white instead of grayon the periscope screen
The Oxy, Fuel, and Batt meters are black instead of white (probably because he background color was still white at this point)
You can see the periscope tube on the periscope screen
There are no dots (ships) on the map screen
You cannot move your ship on the map screen
The radar screen has a simple black background
There is no radar sweep (arm) on the radar screen
The Heading, Speed, and Depth displays are different and have hardcoded values in them
The right fire button also changes screens


Look I can select different gauges!


Everything else is still the same...



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