Donkey Kong 3-21-83


This file is an early test demo for the intro 'girder stomping' sequence that was found in a folder of source code by Curt Vendel in 2009.  This demo starts with a picture of Donkey Kong on top of the second screen the user can then hit start to begin the girding stomping intro which will repeat.  This particular demo was made by Landon to show his manager (Vincent Wu) how the game was coming along.

Although this is just a simple demo, there are some differences from the same screens in the final version.



Pauline's sprite is slightly different
Pauline is placed a bit further to the left and slightly above the girder.  This makes Donkey Kong's graphic slightly overlap hers when he jumps over
The ladders on the rivet screen are brown instead of yellow
The hat and the purse are in different locations
Pauline is missing on the rivet screen
The status bar information is missing from the top of the screen



Brown ladders?


Why is Pauline floating?


Notice how Donkey Kong is overlapping Pauline?


Here's a picture of the final version of the rivet stage



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