Parallel Port Sound


This isn't really a modification, but rather a way to get sound from the Sorcerer.  While the Sorcerer itself doesn't have any sound generation hardware, clever users discovered that you could send data to the parallel port and have that data fed to a speaker to produce simple sound effects.  This is very similar to how the TRS-80 produced sound through its cassette port. 

Hooking up a pair of speakers is quite simple.  Al you have to do is wire the speaker to pins 1 & 4 on the parallel port and you're all set.  I would suggest using a parallel port connector rather than wiring them directly to the Sorcerer.

For those wanting a bit more than simple beeps, Arrington Software sold a sound device that also plugged into the parallel port.  This device was a simple analog to digital converter (ADC) and enabled the Sorcerer to produce 4 voice music!  Arrington also sold a software package called The Piano Player which played simple tunes over this device while showing a tiny man at a piano.

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