Xevious 5-25-83


This is an earlier version of Xevious, but is still quite playable.  The most noticeable difference is that the display kernel is slightly glitchy, causing the screen to jump every few seconds.  There also appear to be little yellow dashes the randomly appear around the screen.  This version is also missing almost all sound. 



There are no sounds except for a shooting sound
The display kernel is glitchy and jumps often
Little yellow dashes appear on the screen
There are only four types of enemies (Toroid Fleet Ships, Mirrors, Black Balls, and Rovers)
There is no option to change the scrolling speed
The enemy graphics are very different.  The tanks in particular look like lower case L's for some reason
There are no ground targets other than tanks.  Some ground targets can be made to appear using the Transmit Empty Pages option in some emulators, but they appear to be unfinished
The Rovers do not fire
There are fewer areas (the final version has sixteen)
There are no game options
The game is one player only
There are no difficulty levels
There is no logo on start up
The scrolling background is different than the other two versions
There is no music

Notice the yellow dash towards the top of the screen?


That black color is a start up glitch


The game is glitchy but playable


Due to flicker you cannot see the other part of your ship



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